Please refer to the uniform policy information below:
Elementary Grades 1-5 Girls Uniforms
TOP: Uniform–Issued White or Yellow Peter Pan Collar Oxford
BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Plaid JUMPERS – no skirts
SOCKS: Solid Navy or White KNEE-HIGH or Tights (no leggings, no ruffles)
SHOES: Uniform–Issued: Sperry Boat Shoes or Black Leather Mary Jane
SWEATER: Uniform–Issued: Navy Pull-Over; Navy Sweater, or Navy Fleece Jacket
JEWELRY: Basic Watch (smart watches not allowed); ONE Simple Necklace and
Bracelet; Small POST Earrings; NO HOOP EARRINGS; no body piercings
PANTS: (the HIGH of 33 degrees below weather) Uniform – Issued Navy Slacks
BELT: Black or Brown Leather
HAIR: Neatly groomed and pulled back at all times (an appropriate length); no highlights or colors of the rainbow, ONLY uniform–issued or boy and yellow hair accessories
COSMETICS: No make-up; no distracting acrylic nails or nail polish (white or clear are
acceptable – no colors of the rainbow); no perfume
PURSE: No purses, fanny packs, or handbags allowed on the person (may kept in a
bookbag or locker)
If you paid to style your daughter’s hair and nails that are not their natural color, white or clear, and cannot be removed immediately, please be mindful of the uniform policy moving forward.
Physical Education Uniforms only on PE day DO NOT ACCESSORIZE THE SCHOOL UNIFORM
● TOP: Uniform–Issued Gold T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
● BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Blue Mesh
Gym Shorts/Sweatpants
● SOCKS: White Athletic Crew
● SHOES: Athletic Tennis Shoes
Our uniform is a symbol of Mother Mary Lange Catholic School and should be worn with pride. All students must be in full uniform from the first day of
school to the last day of school.
Unauthorized violations of the uniform code warrant a Uniform Notice.
Tennis shoes are NOT a part of the school uniform and may only be worn on physical
education day.
SUMMER UNIFORM until October 15th
Uniform – Issued Blue Khaki Walking Shorts with a
Uniform – Issued White Polo Shirt
Uniforms MUST be purchased from the Flynn O’Hara
Elementary Grades 1-5 Boys Uniforms
TOP: Uniform–Issued White Polo (Tucked in at all times)
BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Slacks
BELT: Black or Brown Leather
SOCKS: Solid Navy or White Crew
SHOES: Uniform – Issued: Sperry Boat Shoes or Black Leather Lace-Up
SWEATER: Uniform – Issued: Navy Pull-Over; Navy Sweater, or Navy Fleece Jacket –
PE Sweatshirt is not allowed, only on PE days
JEWELRY: basic watch (smartwatches are not allowed); no earrings or body piercings
HAIR: Neatly Groomed
COSMETICS: No cologne
Only Flynn-Ohara pants and shorts with a belt are allowed. Pants or shorts with drawstrings or joggers are not
allowed. If you need assistance with special sizes, please contact us, and we can contact our representative at
Flynn O’Hara.
Please note that boys in Grade 5 will transition into a middle school boys’ uniform. Please prepare to have the
appropriate uniform in Grade 6.
Physical Education Uniforms only on PE day DO NOT ACCESSORIZE THE SCHOOL UNIFORM
● TOP: Uniform–Issued Gold T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
● BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Blue Mesh
Gym Shorts/Sweatpants
● SOCKS: White Athletic Crew
● SHOES: Athletic Tennis Shoes
Our uniform is a symbol of Mother Mary Lange Catholic
School and should be worn with pride.
All students must be in full uniform from the first day of
school to the last day of school.
Unauthorized violations of the uniform code warrant a
Uniform Notice.
Students may not change
into the uniform upon arrival at school or before leaving
school. Tennis shoes are NOT a part ofthe school uniform and may only be worn on physical
education day.
Middle Grades 6-8 Girls Uniforms
TOP: Uniform–Issued White or Yellow Peter Pan Collar Oxford
BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Plaid SKIRTS
SOCKS: Solid Navy or White KNEE-HIGH or Tights (no leggings, no ruffles)
SHOES: Uniform–Issued: Sperry Boat Shoes or Black Leather Mary Jane
SWEATER: Uniform–Issued: Navy Pull-Over; Navy Sweater, or Navy Fleece Jacket
JEWELRY: Basic Watch (smart watches not allowed); ONE Simple Necklace and
Bracelet; Small POST Earrings; NO HOOP EARRINGS; no body piercings
PANTS: (Only 33 degrees below weather) Uniform – Issued Navy Slacks
BELT: Black or Brown Leather
HAIR: Neatly groomed and pulled back at all times (an appropriate length); no
highlights or colors of the rainbow, ONLY uniform–issued or boy and yellow
hair accessories
COSMETICS: No make-up; no distracting acrylic nails or nail polish (white or clear are
acceptable – no colors of the rainbow); no perfume
PURSE: No purses, fanny packs, or handbags allowed on the person (may kept in a
bookbag or locker)
If you paid to style your daughter’s hair and nails that are not their natural color, white or clear, and cannot be removed
immediately, please be mindful of the uniform policy moving forward.
Physical Education Uniforms only on PE day DO NOT ACCESSORIZE THE SCHOOL UNIFORM
● TOP: Uniform–Issued Gold T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
● BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Blue Mesh
Gym Shorts/Sweatpants
● SOCKS: White Athletic Crew
● SHOES: Athletic Tennis Shoes
Our uniform is a symbol of Mother Mary Lange Catholic School and should be worn with pride.
All students must be in full uniform from the first day of school to the last day of school.
Unauthorized violations of the uniform code warrant a Uniform Notice. Students may not change into the uniform upon arrival at school or before leaving school.
Tennis shoes are NOT a part of the school uniform and may only be worn on physical
education day.
Middle Grades 6-8 Boys Uniforms
TOP: Uniform–Issued White Oxford (Tucked in at all
TIE: Uniform – Issued Navy (worn daily)
BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Slacks
BELT: Black or Brown Leather
SOCKS: Solid Navy or White Crew
SHOES: Uniform – Issued: Sperry Boat Shoes or Black Leather Lace-Up
SWEATER: Uniform – Issued: Navy Pull-Over; Navy Sweater, or Navy Fleece Jacket –
PE Sweatshirt is not allowed, only on PE days
JEWELRY: basic watch (smartwatches are not allowed); no earrings or body piercings
HAIR: Neatly Groomed
COSMETICS: No cologne
Only Flynn-Ohara pants and shorts with a belt are allowed. Pants or shorts with drawstrings or joggers are not
allowed. If you need assistance with special sizes, please contact us, and we can contact our representative at
Flynn O’Hara.
Please note that boys in Grades 6-8 no longer wear uniform-issued polo shirts after October 15th. Please prepare
to have your son in a tie daily. If your child needs assistance, he can see any male staff member.
Physical Education Uniforms only on PE day DO NOT ACCESSORIZE THE SCHOOL UNIFORM
● TOP: Uniform–Issued Gold T-Shirt/Sweatshirt
● BOTTOMS: Uniform–Issued Navy Blue Mesh
Gym Shorts/Sweatpants
● SOCKS: White Athletic Crew
● SHOES: Athletic Tennis Shoes
Our uniform is a symbol of Mother Mary Lange Catholic School and should be worn with pride.
All students must be in full uniform from the first day of school to the last day of school.
Unauthorized violations of the uniform code warrant a Uniform Notice.
Students may not change into the uniform upon arrival at school or before leaving
Tennis shoes are NOT a part of the school uniform and may only be worn on physical
education day.