Summer Work and Supply List

Summer Assignment 

This summer, students in Grade 3 through 7 may complete a summer review of Math skills on IXL. Each grade level has a list of skills to master. While your child may practice at their own pace, mastery of a skill is obtained by earning a minimum of 80% SMART SCORE ! Please try to complete two (2) skills per week. To get started on your computer/device, please login to Click on MATH and navigate to your child’s grade level from Last Year. Select the specific skill to practice from the list of skills. If you notice your child struggling on a skill, try having them practice the supporting skill. Your child controls the pace of the program, the skills will adjust based on your child’s demonstrated understanding.

All students are strongly encouraged to read this summer!  Please find the 2023 Summer Reading List recommended by the American Library Association, as well as the Summer Reading challenges at the Enoch Pratt and Baltimore County Libraries.

Supply List 2023-2024:Sy24 25 Mmlcs School Supply List

Pope declares ‘venerable’ Mother Lange, Fátima visionary – please read here!

Opening Day – Monday, August 28, 2023 with a Noon Dismissal!